Register for the online info session for future Club Directors

And learn how you can set up a 261 Club, a local non-profit organization empowering women through running.

Please enter your first and last name(s).
Please enter your e-mail address.

YES! I want to learn more and join the free one-hour online info session.

Our 261 Fearless Team will tell you all you need to know about setting up a 261 Club in your area.

Next sessions:

By submitting this form, I consent to 261 Fearless Inc collecting, using, disclosing and/or processing my personal data, in order to contact me about the 261 Fearless education program and its related programs.
I would like 261 Fearless Inc. to share my contact information (e-mail address) with other women who registered and are from the same area to connect and exchange about forming a 261 Club.

Become a 261 Coach

and change women’s lives

» learn more