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261 Club Spotlight: Germany

Find out more about 261 Fearless Club Germany!

We are very proud to be part of the global 261 Fearless Community and would like tointroduce ourselves as 261 Club Germany.Chrissi and Miele founded our first Meet Run in Germany in Berlin Tegel in 2015. In 2016,we decided to start a sports association with our team. Since then, we have grown steadily.Today, a total of 12 fearless 261 Coaches lead their Meet Runs with a total of almost 50members. With a total of 3 locations in Berlin, we also run in Radebeul and Otterfing nearMunich.Our members enjoy running together outside. In addition to other events such as “Bring-your-Friend”, “Plogging”, “ladies' evenings” with ourcooperation partners as well as jointbreakfasts and picnics in the countryside, our activities also include an annual club trip.For the future, we would like to have more locations with Meet Runs in Germany. This wouldallow many more women to enjoy exercise for one hour a week where they find time just forthemselves and become fearless and fitter.

"The 261 Club is more than just a running club for me. It has become a kind of therapy and abalance to my stressful working day. Ilook forward to seeing the girls and running togetherevery week. The regular Meet Runs have improved my stamina and helped me to feel morecomfortable in my body and happier with myself. Even if I've had a really bad week, it'sforgotten after the run. The girls mean a lot to me now and I wouldn't want to miss any ofthem–real friendships have developed over the years. I can express my thoughts freely hereand get honest opinions that have already helped me with important decisions.261 is myrunning club family. " - Maria, BLN Tegel

"Running was always something “strenuous” for me-compared to swimming, my favoritesport since I was 15. However, I didn't always find the time for it, especially in winter,because of the commute to the swimmingpool. That's why I tried running more often,especially during the pandemic. After all, I live between Gleisdreieck and Hasenheide, twoparks in Berlin that are predestined for running. And yet I found it boring and exhausting, atthe latest after 10 minutes, despite podcasts and sunshine. One day, a friend, Anna, came up tome and told me about the running group she wanted to organize in Kreuzberg-Neukölln, and Isaid: “I want to try it.” That was 1.5 years ago and since then I've tried not to miss any MeetRuns. We meet on Fridays at 4.30 pm at Tempelhofer Feld. Sometimes it doesn't work outbecause of working hours, but when it does, I think it's a great way to start the weekend. Annaand Helena-sometimes it's Anna or Helena-always come up with something new:sometimes a course in the Hasenheide, sometimes jumping rope and other exercises in theTempelhofer Feld, with jogging in between. It's “nicely” strenuous, not too much, not toolittle. I still can't “chat” during running, but I like to listen towhat the others are saying andthat makes running much easier. It's good for me, it challenges me. I would never run thatlong on my own and the exercises are always different and varied. I'm looking forward to thenext Meet Run in Kreuzberg-Neukölln!" - Ursula, Berlin Kreuzberg

"Running clears my head and increases my well-being. The Meet Run with 261 is a set dateand that helps to trick me into running even if I don’t feel like it. Running with the groupwithout the pressure to perform motivates me a lot. After the session, I always go home in abetter mood and healthily exhausted. Our coaches always manage to motivate us and organizea fun Meet Run." - Beatrice, Munich South

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