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Optimal running technique for women: How to run healthily and efficiently!

Generally, women have a wider pelvis and shorter limbs, and therefore they have different anatomical requirements for running than men. The wider pelvis for example can mean that women tend to have a X-leg position, which can increase the risk of injury. That’s why adapting our running technique is particularly important in order to run healthily and efficiently. Find out how to do this in this blog post!

The two halves of the body:Upper and lower body

Imagine your body as divided into two parts when running:

  • The upper body (from the shoulders to the hips): This area remains stable and upright while running. Make sure your torso is stable to save energy. Your gaze should be forward, and your shoulders relaxed. At 261 Fearless, we call this position “proud woman”.
  • The hips connect the two parts and play a central role. Make sure your hips do not tilt or rotate too much. The hips should be stable and mobile at the same time in order to make optimal use of the forces your body produces.
  • The lower body (from the hips downwards): This is where the propulsion happens. Try not to make big steps, but rather run at a high frequency. The foot should land directly under the body's center of gravity on the midfoot so that you can move forward efficiently.

Specific tips for a healthy running technique

  1. Pay attention to your leg axis: It is particularly important for women to maintain a correct leg axis. Avoid bending your knees inwards (x legs) by strengthening your hip and glute muscles.
  2. Short, quick steps: Instead of taking long strides, you should favor short and quick steps. This helps you run efficiently.
  3. Foot strike: Place your foot on the midfoot as much as possible and avoid heel striking or forefoot running. This prevents injuries and transfers the forces much better.
  4. Core stability: Strong core muscles help to keep the upper body stable and protect against injuries. Therefore, regularly incorporate exercises to strengthen the core into your training. Targeted strength training allows you to make better use of the forces generated and run more efficiently.
  5. Regular running analysis: A running analysis can be useful to ensure that your running technique is correct. Film yourself from time to time and watch the videos in slow motion.

With the right running technique, you will run more efficiently and healthily. Pay attention to your body, put our tips into practice and enjoy running!

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