Support the non-profit organization

Donate to the non-profit

Your contribution enables us to fulfil our mission of empowering women through running. Regardless of the amount you contribute, we value your support and thank you for making our mission possible.

What Does Your Donation Do?

Each and every donation to our non-profit – from a few dollars to much larger amounts – makes a difference in the life of a woman who is becoming empowered through running!

  • With a US$ 10 donation – you fund the participation of one 261 Coach in a virtual 261 Empowerment Class. This is the continuing education programs for active Coaches which provides up-to date and essential knowledge for their role.
  • With a US$ 26.10 donation – you fund one 261 Coach Certification kit. This includes printed handouts such as the Coach’s handbook and education material to support the initial training of a 261 Coach.
  • With a US$ 30 donation – you fund one 261 Coach tool kit. This contains training equipment to deliver the 261 Fearless run program to a group of 15 women (members).
  • With a US$ 100 donation – you fund one year’s access for one 261 Coach to the education and communication online platform Core. Core is safe, highly secure and it is where Coaches, Club Directors and the 261 Fearless Inc. Team exchange and share information.
  • With a US$ 120 donation – you fund four units of ongoing education for one certified 261 Master Coach. Each unit lasts 45 minutes and includes supervision and delivery of new knowledge to ensure the Master Coach is well prepared and equipped to mentor and educate 261 Coaches.
  • With a US$ 261 donation – you fund a grant to cover the participation fee for one woman to attend a 261 Train the Trainer Certification Course. This course enables her to become a certified 261 Coach and be active in a local woman running club.
  • With a US$ 800 donation – you fund a grant to cover the participation fee for one woman to attend a 1:1 261 Business Training & Certification Course. The course supports her to set up a 261 Club in her local area and bring our Program to women in her community.
  • With a US$ 1,000 donation – you fund one public Education Panel to raise awareness of the benefits of social running for women.
  • With a US$ 1,500 donation – you fund an in-person, one day refresher course for 15 Coaches. These courses, supervised by a Master Coach, keep Coaches up to date and provide continuing practical training.
  • With a US$ 2,000 donation – you fund one 261 Empowerment Class for 200 Coaches. The classes are an essential part of our continuing education programs and provide up-to date and essential knowledge for the coaches’ role.
  • With a US$ 5,000 donation – you fund one year of training for a Master Coach in Education. Master Coaches are the key educators and mentors for 261 Coaches around the world.

Thank you for your support of 261 Fearless!

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and change women’s lives

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