261 Fearless


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261 Fearless at the National Running Show in the UK

261 Fearless and the 261 Club UK were at the National Running Show in Birmingham! We spoke to lots of women, spreading the 261 Fearless Mission & Vision, looking for new potential coaches as well as for people willing to support us in a different way.

On January 20th and 21st, 261 Fearless Club UK attended a very successful National Running Show in Birmingham. They spoke to lots of women, spreading the 261 Fearless Mission & Vision, looking for new potential coaches as well as for people willing to support us in a different way.

Apart from browsing the numerous stands, collecting freebies and buying running goodies from all kinds of different brands, there were also some very interesting talks and discussions to listen to, nearly always with some time for a Q&A. For example, our very own Dr. Juliet McGrattan, 261 Fearless Senior Education Program Manager and Master Coach, was part of a panel discussion on the topic of “Poo, periods and pit-falls: Overcoming the worst things that happen on a run”; something many of us will be able to relate to!

Presence at local events like these are essential for spreading the word! From what we can see in the photos, it was a busy weekend for Club UK but there was also a lot of fun to be had, networking and chatting away with other like-minded people. We’d like to say a big thank you to the team as well as to everyone who dropped by the stand for a chat, to express interest or maybe to get their hands on the newest 261 Fearless merchandise. The purple seems to have been difficult to resist!

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