261 Fearless


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261 Fearless Ocean Adidas Run

261 Fearless Runs for the Oceans with adidas

261 Fearless cares. We take action to make the world a better place.

261 Fearless cares about planet earth. For far too long we have treated the oceans as if they were a waste bin. Today, oceans are filled with vast amounts of plastic that is polluting our environment. 261 Fearless dreams of plastic-free beaches, animals living peacefully in their habitats and oceans that are no longer treated like waste dumps. We want the world to be a better place.

Why do we care? Future generations will need a place to live in and to prosper. Each one of us is responsible for assuring that planet earth can still offer that. It's in our hands to change the planet's fate and turn it into a place worth living in. We are aware of that responsibility and want to create a sustainable and green future.

These are not just empty words, we fill them with action! 261 Fearless joins the Run for the Oceans campaign by our partner adidas. For each mile we run, adidas donates $1 to the Parley Ocean School, where the next generation learns how to protect the oceans.

We know that only if we work together, we can make an impact. Therefore, we need YOU! Join us and run for a cause. It's really simple: Download the Runtastic app on your smartphone and join the Run for the Oceans challenge. Use the app for all runs between June 8 to 16, every mile is worth a dollar.

The time to act is now! Join the challenge and run for a cause - the oceans will thank you.


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