261 Fearless


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Tell her she can - 261 Fearless

261 Fearless with Kathrine Switzer @ Toronto Marathon EXPO

We invite YOU to meet Kathrine Switzer and our 261 Fearless Team at the 2019 Toronto Marathon EXPO, May 3 & 4. Learn more about our unique 261 Fearless Education Program - and step up to tell women your community: SHE CAN RUN!

We'd love to meet you in Toronto at the Toronto Marathon and tell you more about it. Women's running pioneer Kathrine Switzer and 261 Fearless Master Coach Emily will speak about the unique 261 Education Program and your chance to become a certified 261 Coach.


Are you a woman who has received these gifts from running? Do you want to inspire others to run and experience them, too? We need your help to share the powerful gift of running with women in your community. Here is your chance! Become a 261 Coach! At the Toronto Marathon EXPO we introduce our 261 Education program and how fearless female runners can step up and help women to find the joy in running. 


Becoming a 261 Coach opens the door to an exciting and fulfilling role in the lives of women in your local community. Our 261 Coaches are role models; they have experienced how running empowers women and have a desire to share this with other women. They understand the benefits of the non-competitive, pressure-free community that 261 Clubs provide.


Join our 261 Coaches information sessions at the Toronto Marathon EXPO, May 3 and 4!  

Come and learn more about what it means to be a 261 Coach, chat to already certified 261 Coaches and meet the local 261 Club Leaders. At this informal event you can find out more and meet other women who are interested in starting their coaching journey. We’d love for you to join us.

Friday, May 3rd: Kathrine and Emily speaking at 4 PM
Saturday, May 4th: Kathrine and Emily speaking at 2 PM

Location: race expo at the Better Living Centre, Exhibition Place, 195 Princes’ Blvd.

Sign up free for this event HERE

Or contact us at trainthetrainer@261fearless.org

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