261 Blog

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261 Club Spotlight: Austria

Get to know the 261 Club Austria and learn more about the fearless women running there.

The 261 Club Austria was the first 261 Club in the world. Founded by Edith Zuschmann in 2012, it has inspired and motivated women to become fearless through running for 12 years. Currently, the 261 Club Austria has woman running groups at 9 locations, in 3 regions (Carinthia, Styria and Vienna), 31 Coaches and over 170 members between the age of 18 to 71.  

In Vienna, the 261 Club Austria is reaching out to the community of refugee women from Afghanistan and other countries, where running for women is not common or even not allowed. These women have the chance to become active, connect with the local community and learn the local language by participating in the weekly Meet Runs. One of the women among the community stepped up to become a role model and leader – she is now going through the certification to become the 32nd 261 Coach in Austria.

Find out what impact the 261 Club had on our members: 

I’m very glad that I could learn a lot as a 261 Coach and now I can pass that on to others. I learned to speak and communicate with other people and to collaborate in a team – I know that we can achieve more if we work together and that we support each other! 


I value the warm atmosphere at the Meet Run. The running program is varied and always centered around fun, without any pressure to perform. The Club 261 has strengthened my self-confidence in participating in running events together – I would have never joined on my own. 


The weekly Meet Run in Klagenfurt is a must in my schedule and it brings some balance to my daily life and it helps me relax after work. I love running with other like-minded women who enjoy being active outdoors – together we are strong! 


The 261 Club Meet Run makes me enjoy running and exercise because we motivate each other. Especially during winter when it’s dark outside it keeps me going. And of course I met a lot of great women! 


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