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261 Club Spotlight: LA

Get to know the 261 Club LA and learn more about the fearless women running there.

We launched 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles in partnership with the Pasadena Senior Center in January 2020 to empower senior women to become and stay active. Seventeen women joined. We quickly bonded, greatly enjoying our weekly meet runs and strengthening our friendships. We were the first, and are still, the only 261 Fearless club on the West Coast.

To our dismay, in May 2020, the Pasadena Senior Center, along with the entire state of California, was locked down for covid. Our in-person meet runs were abruptly halted. 261 Fearless Club Los Angeles continued to exist over the dark months through weekly emails of encouragement and support. We were able to resume our live meetings in July 2021, with the reopening of the Pasadena Senior Center.

Reorganizing the group was a challenge. People were fearful of leaving their homes and had experienced changes in lifestyles over the many months of lockdown. I persisted in emailing the group every week and posting on social media.

Our fearless and successful years together have enabled and inspired us to reach out to women of all ages and all abilities, 18 years and up. Our weekly, one-hour activity programs are guided by Certified 261 Coaches, Pat and AnaLuisa. We are supported by welcoming and experienced members, Mara, Isaura and Judy, founding members, and Jeanne, who joined us immediately after we resumed live meetings and has obtained advanced training credentials.

Today, the Meet Run of the 261 Club LA supports women in becoming fearless: Senior women had raised families, worked and retired, but never had the time nor the opportunity to join a club uniquely for them. They were fearful, yet excited to join and remain members until today. Also, the community of the club offered women who had lost their husbands and were grieving encouragement, support and hope. Read how the 261 Club LA impacts the local community:

“I was filled with trepidation at the prospect of leading my first meet run as Director and Coach. I was unsure of my skills and tended to be stilted. Over time, I gained experience and confidence, as I continued to receive education and guidance from 261 Fearless, Inc. I learned to focus on my participants, rather than on myself. I changed my perspective - I was here for them, and this was all about them.

This change in my WHY - I am here to serve our members, rather than striving for the unachievable goal of perfectionism in myself - allowed me to relax, observe, empathize, relate, teach and have fun. It has enabled me to assume high positions in other organizations and deliver presentations to audiences of hundreds of attendees with skill and joy.”

- Pat, 261 Club Director

“I came to the group because I was looking for women who were interested in running, but not miles. I train so much, that easy runs or real walking is sufficient for me. I've stayed because of the camaraderie and like-mindedness of female athletes.”

- 261 Club member

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