261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Group of women posing smiling and making funny poses in a gym

261 Fearless and Volunteering

261 Fearless coaches are all volunteers. They give up a one hour a week to lead the running activities during a meetrun, but further time for club administration, planning and developing their coaching skills.

Our coaches tell us that one of the things that drove them to apply was a desire to ‘give back’, both to running itself for all the benefits they have reaped but also to their local community. 

Volunteering is increasingly being seen as an important strategy for improving wellbeing, both for the community but also for the volunteer themselves. 

Volunteering for 261 Fearless:

Improves physical health. Coaches commit to attending meetruns but they are also supported to develop their skills and improve their physical health

Improves mental health. Stepping up to the role of coach and growing your club can improve confidence, self-esteem and self-belief

Creates a support network. Clubs become communities offering friendship and support to all members and coaches. This is vital for wellbeing and maintaining motivation

Provides opportunities. 261 Fearless has an ongoing education programme for coaches with options to train as a Master Coach but also take on other roles within the organisation. There are opportunities for travel and to network and meet with other clubs and coaches too

Is inclusive of all ages and backgrounds. 261 Fearless has huge diversity in their coaching team. Women of all ages and cultures volunteer which makes us very effective in reaching out to more disadvantaged or excluded communities

Can be challenging. But we are there to support and guide our volunteers so they can continue happily in their role.

We also know that members in our clubs take on less recognised volunteer roles, whether that be offering their business skills to the Club Director or organising club social events. These acts are all women giving of their time to help others and should be acknowledged as volunteer activities.

261 Fearless provides the perfect platform for women to gain from volunteering. By offering opportunities and ongoing support, many more women will be able to benefit their personal wellbeing and that of the community in which they live by becoming a volunteer. Thank you to ALL of our volunteers working hard to bring strength and empowerment through running to ALL women. 

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