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Four women in 261 shirts smiling and standing together outdoors

261 Fearless Around the World: The 261 Club Israel

Through your participation in our global Running and Walking Series Move the World, you support 261 Fearless Inc. in fulfilling its mission - for example in Israel.

Your participation in Move the World changes women's lives! For example in Israel, where 261 Fearless Inc. can educate new 261 Coaches, mentor our 261 Club Director and thus spread the mission of social running and empowerment in local communities.


What is the 261 Fearless Club Israel?

261 Fearless Club Israel will work to establish and promote an Israeli-International community of running women, by means of three key values: running, education, and inspiration. The club’s uniqueness rests on its ability to enable every woman, of every age, religion or social status, a chance to run, learn, and develop. 


What is the Club's main aim?

As a first phase, we will start the club’s activity in Binyamina & in Jisr az-Zarqa. Two villages located at a physical distance of 10 km. So close but so different. The first one is Jewish and the second one is Arab, there is a huge variety in religion, language, customs, culture and more. This diversity characterizes Israeli society. We believe that running together will allow us to become one community.


Who are the leaders and 261 Coaches in the community?

Michal Golden, 261 Club Director

51 years old, MA in Women and Gender Studies, social entrepreneur. Her motto: "Virginia Woolf wrote that every woman needs 500 Pounds Sterling and a room of her own. We believe that every woman needs to be able to put on her running shoes, open the door to her home, and run to create freedom, equality and joy of her own."



Avital Schutz, future 261 Coach

44 years old, single, happy, independent woman. Her motto: "Running keeps me centered in every aspect of life."




Yoci Ben Beruch, future 261 Coach

52 years old, high-school teacher, personal coach for youth. Her motto: "Running is a way of life, ability, faith and strength."




Hamama Gamel, future 261 Coach

Soccer player in the Palestine Natonal team and the Israeli National team, surfing coach and fisherwoman. Her motto: "I am a woman who lives and breathes the sea."



Yael Ilmer Giron, future 261 Coach

37 years old, mother and environmental activist. Her motto: "Inspired by nature in every aspect and running is my way to stay connected to myself."



How can I support?

Your participation in Move the World allows us to educate these women to become 261 Coaches and leaders in their communities. You have the option of giving an additional donation above the minimum registration fee and we appreciate this support. Your contribution changes women's lives!


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