261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Two women standing at a stand presenting 261 Fearless merchandise

261 Fearless Club UK at the National Running Show

Our Club UK Directors and Coaches headed to the NEC in Birmingham for a weekend of sharing the mission of 261 Fearless with everyone attending the National Running Show.

What a fantastic weekend it was! A large exhibition hall packed full of everything and everyone running. Guest speakers included Paula Radcliffe, Jo Pavey, Mara Yamauchi and Nell McAndrew, all women who have made important contributions to women’s running. Our healthy eating partner Go Faster Food were hosting the nutrition zone with cookery demonstrations, expert Q and As and samples of their very tasty Go Bites energy balls. 

We had a small stand and anticipated that as a new start-up social enterprise, we would have to be proactive in starting conversations. We were so wrong! Endless numbers of runners of all abilities, from the woman who said she was at the start of her Couch to 5k journey and wasn’t sure she should be at a running show at all to the woman sporting her 200 mile ultra T-shirt and passionate to share running with others; we were inundated. 


So many people commented that they had seen the historic black and white photo of Kathrine Switzer in Boston before. We had it on display and many said that it and a video of the event had popped up on their social media feeds. What they didn’t know however was that Kathrine is passing on the torch in the form of the 261 Fearless network, to ensure that moment in history is in turn used to empower women around the world. They were keen to find out how they could be involved in the UK.


We spoke to potential members, coaches and sponsors and just those who wanted to know who we were. We talked and talked until we could talk no more! A huge thanks to all our coaches who came to support and spend time on the stand sharing our passion. And to those who are now following us on social media – welcome! Let’s crack on with reaching as many women as we can.

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