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A group of women from the 261 Fearless running group jog in front of a modern building

261 Fearless offer New Empowerment Classes to 261 Coaches

Education is key to empowerment, that's why we've just launched a brand-new education program: 261 Fearless Empowerment Classes.

What is empowerment? It's taking control over one's life, being autonomous and self-determined. 261 Fearless wants to motivate and inspire women to step up and realize that in their lives.

We've realized that running can be a vehicle for empowerment, but it's also needs a foundation. The foundation is education and knowledge. Only through new ideas, knowledge and expertise can you make self-determined decisions for your own life. Education is the key!

That's the reason why 261 Fearless has launched a brand-new education program for 261 Coaches, the Empowerment Classes. Experts in the fields of women, women and running, women's health, leadership and non-profit business management share their knowledge and give professional insights for each of these topics.

261 Coaches benefit from the Empowerment Classes in their tasks as Coaches in the 261 meet runs and help members to grow. At the same time, 261 Coaches can apply this knowledge in other areas of their lives - in their jobs, to push their professional careers and to develop their skills.

Each 261 Coach will be tested and certified after each Empowerment Class to prove their skills development. This is a real asset in so many areas of life and definitely for their role as 261 Coach. We pave the path to real empowerment!

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