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A white flag with "Run for the Oceans" waving against a city skyline

261 Fearless Runs for the Oceans

There are so many reasons why we run. We run for fitness, for freedom, for empowerment, for fun, to challenge ourselves; the list is truly endless!

Running ticks so many boxes, we can use it to make friends, to travel and to look after our physical and mental health. Now we can add ‘for the Oceans’ to our list too.  

At 261 Fearless we were delighted to team up with our global sponsors adidas and Parley for the Oceans to offer runners the chance to use the Runtastic app to help fight marine plastic pollution. For every kilometre tracked on the Run for the Oceans Challenge on the app, adidas donated $1 to the Parley Ocean School. We’re awaiting the total raised!

We know that running a few kilometres for the cause might seem like a drop in the ocean when you see the expanses of plastic in the sea but we all need to take some responsibility for our planet. 261 Fearless cares about sustainability and the environment and wants to activate our members to share the importance with their families. Our Club members are all women, many have children and are passionate about creating a good future for them. We’ve seen how the children are mirroring their mother’s behaviour when it comes to being active and we have the opportunity to extend this to environmental issues too. 

We also know that 80% of sports purchases today are made by women so women choosing to buy recycled or environment friendly products will have a huge impact.

261 Fearless is looking at the many ways we can use running and our global community to continue this work. We’re sharing information and knowledge, we have members and clubs who plog (jog and pick up litter) and 261 Fearless members were running with our 261 collapsible, refillable water bottles during the Women Can Challenge in the UK in May. If each of us takes a small amount of action, then it adds up. We’ll bring you some stories of what our members are doing but we’d love to hear what action you’re taking to fight plastic pollution. Do share your ideas in the comments so we can all work together and carry on running for the oceans. 

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