261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

A group of runners posing under colorful streetlights at night

Exchange between 261 Clubs

That's what 261 Fearless is all about: You can meet women from different areas, see the world from a new perspective and learn something new!

The 261 Club meet run in St. Veit gathered to visit the 261 Club meet run in St. Kanzian! This was not only great fun for all participants, but it was also inspiring to meet and connect with other members and discover a new running area.

On January 31 the ladies in St. Veit, a town in the southern region of Austria, gathered to travel together to St. Kanzian, a town in Austria next to the beautiful lake of Klopein. There, the ladies were already eagerly waiting for them.

At this time of the year, there's already loads of snow in the area, it's dark at the time of the meet run and bitterly cold, but this is not a hurdle if you run together! With all the fun and laughter, the inconveniences are quickly forgotten. The ladies in St. Kanzian had the great chance to show their usual running routes to the runners coming from St. Veit. Together they had to climb a small hill to reach the lake and discover beautiful running paths around it. After the warm-up the two 261 Coaches guided them through strength exercises and the group made snow angels.


The best part was, that both sides could meet other women, find out about their backgrounds and motivations to run and learn something new. That's what 261 Fearless is all about: connecting women through running! Therefore, wherever you go, make sure to visit the local 261 Club meet run. Over 50 Club 261 meet runs are spread in 10 countries and 5 continents! Meet the women in each one of them, find out who they are and what their cultures are like. Run with them and be inspired.


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