261 Blog

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Five women pose for a selfie outside, all smiling for the camera, members of 261 Fearless

First 261 Meet Run in Fier, Albania

We are proud to announce that our first 261 meet run was held in Fier, Albania!

261 Fearless is so proud that our 261 Coaches Lusi and Matilda launched their 261 meet-runs in Fier, Albania. The two Coaches started off with three runners who attended a meet run full of fun exercises, a lot of laughter and, of course, running. You are welcome to join the group in Fier:

261 Club meet run at English Corner alongside "Hasag Dishnica" street every Sunday at 7 a.m.

The word about the new running opportunity is spreading fast and the group gets a lot of curious looks from women who might find the courage to join next week. 261 Coach Lusi enjoys the meet runs a lot: “We exchange energy and strength with each other. We have enjoyed our meet runs and laughed a lot while running and spreading physical and mental wellbeing among us.” Together with 261 Coach Matilda she leads women through the weekly 261 meet run.

These are a great opportunity for women to get into running for the first time and to find out more about themselves. After starting in the capital Tirana, 261 Club Albania now launches in a second city, Fier. The 261 Coaches Matilda and Lusiana invite all women in the area to join in! During the one-hour meet run you will forget about the everyday hustle and bustle - this is your time for yourself, to meet like-minded women and to do something for your health.

We are proud and happy, the 261 Club Albania launches a second meet run in another city and wish all participants fun and enjoyment at the meet runs!

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