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Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Internship with 261 Fearless

261 Fearless is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women through running and community activities. Its name is inspired by Kathrine Switzer's bib number (261) at the 1967 Boston Marathon, where she became the first woman to officially complete the race with a bib number. As a public relations intern at 261 Fearless, I have the unique opportunity to work directly at the intersection of the organization and the public. Here's a brief insight into my experiences and discoveries.

An Internship That's More Than Just Work

My internship at 261 Fearless began a few weeks ago, and I am still overwhelmed by the positive energy and cohesion I experience daily. From the first minute, it was clear to me that this is not just an organization that supports women in running. It's about so much more – it's about empowerment, self-confidence, and breaking boundaries, both physically and mentally.

Daily Inspiration

Every day here brings new stories of women overcoming their fears and achieving personal goals through 261 Fearless. Whether it's the woman who finds her inner strength again after a difficult life phase or the group of friends training together for their first marathon. As part of the public relations team, it's my job to collect and share these stories to inspire and motivate others. There's nothing more fulfilling than seeing the message of 261 Fearless being carried forward and bearing fruit.

Learning and Growing

In addition to working on inspiring campaigns and writing content for our website and social media, the internship also gives me the chance to learn from experienced staff in public relations. I've already gained valuable insights into the planning and execution of PR campaigns, event management, strategic communication, and especially content development and social media. Every day is a new learning opportunity, and I am grateful for the support and trust my team shows me.

The Importance of Community

Perhaps the most impressive thing about 261 Fearless is the strong community it has built worldwide. Despite the diverse backgrounds and life stories of the women, there's a common bond that connects us all: 

the love of running and the desire to exceed ourselves. As a public relations intern, I am proud to be part of this movement and to help even more women discover and live their fearlessness.


My internship at 261 Fearless is more than just a temporary stop in my professional journey. It is an experience that enriches me personally and professionally, showing me how powerful and transformative a global community can be. I am excited to be part of this community and to carry the inspiring message of 261 Fearless into the world.

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