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The year "2018" is written with twinkling lights on a black background

Let Us Help You Nail Those New Year Resolutions

It’s that time of year again when we start reflecting on the year that’s passed and setting ourselves challenges for the new year ahead.

It’s also the time when it’s easy to be hard on ourselves, critical of what we didn’t achieve and if we’re not careful, set ourselves up to fail in 2018 before it’s even begun! 

With a few simple steps and a bit of help from 261 Fearless, you can turn that around. 

Here’s how to make 2018 the year your fitness resolutions actually stick instead of wither away before February is over!

Start with the good stuff


Look back at 2017 and write down at least three things that you did that made you feel proud. They might not immediately spring to mind so get out your diary or calendar and look back through the last 12 months. You’ll be surprised what you’ve forgotten about. It may be as simple as getting out for a run on a really wet, cold day or managing to do some core exercises whilst you were injured. This process will put you in a positive frame of mind and remind you that it’s often the small things that make the difference

Set your new goals


Sounds easy doesn’t it but don’t rush. To succeed you have to make your goals achievable. Think realistically about what you can fit in with your day to day life. Choosing one or two targets to focus on is better than a long list. Success makes you feel good, failure doesn’t, so think carefully before you commit. You can be fearless and challenge yourself but you don’t want to make life stressful and put too much pressure on yourself. Having the goal of really enjoying your running next year is just as valid as signing up for an ultra-marathon

Break up your goals


If you have ‘run my first marathon’ as your goal that’s fine but it can feel overwhelming which immediately puts you off. You need to break it up into smaller goals that you can tick off at intervals throughout the year. For example, you might set the first goal as ‘to run three times a week and feel comfortable at 10k by the end of January’. Rather than one big goal for the year, write your mini-resolutions for each month on a calendar. You’ll then have the satisfaction of ticking them off as you go, which gives you a great boost

Go public


You’ve made a commitment to yourself and making yourself accountable to others will keep you on track. This may be to a friend or family member, to your 261 running club buddies or it may be to the world on a social media post. Making a positive statement about what you’re going to achieve helps to reinforce that you do indeed mean business on this resolution and that you know you are capable of succeeding

Rally the troops


Yes, it’s your resolution but others will help you. We all need encouragement and support to achieve our goals, especially when we’re pushing out of our comfort zone.  There’s a wonderful community of 261 Fearless runners out there who will spur you on. There might be someone with the exact same goal as you and checking in on each other from time to time will be a huge motivation. None of our members are bothered about how fast or far you go and all of them remember how hard it can be at the start. Reach out to them at your local club or on line and let’s join together to empower each other and make 2018 the best yet!

Written by Dr Juliet McGrattan

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