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Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

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Meet Demi from our 261 Fearless Boston Marathon Team

"We're in an era where women are learning their power." Demi shares her Boston story and what makes her fearless.

How did you learn about 261 Fearless?

I learned about 261 Fearless last year, when I saw that one of my idols, Kathrine, was running the Boston Marathon again. I had met her briefly while signing books at the 2014 Boston Marathon expo, and I was starstruck.

Why do you want to run for 261 in Boston?

I have two daughters in middle school (sixth and eighth grade), and I see the news every day. We're in an era where women are learning their power, and we finally have a voice and a platform. There is so much work to be done for us, and for the next generation, in terms of empowerment. I was lucky to grow up with some trailblazing women in my family, like my grandmother - who was one of the first female Marines in WWII. I'm inspired to be the same for the next generation of women!

What makes you Fearless?

I love to say I'm fearless, but I try to be like Eleanor Roosevelt, who said, “do one thing every day that scares you.” For breakthroughs to happen, it's important to keep pushing the comfort zone & establishing new “fear boundaries” for yourself. If I'm truly fearless, it's because I'm motivated for positive change (and pretty passionate about it). I've always felt moved by powerful female role models, & I'm privileged to seek them out in my life. They make me fearless - being risen up by others in a tribe!

What are you most excited about when it comes to the Boston Marathon?

I can't wait to meet all these amazing women on the team that I keep reading about! So many great stories! We have such potential to make positive change together through 261 Fearless and a “movement” of women who are already empowered by running. Plus, meeting Kathrine and just getting a piece of her energy & history is so important to me - it's like Christmas!

Share a fact or a story about yourself!

My “why” for Boston is that I was 15 yards away from the finish line when the first blast went off in 2013. My family was in the public library VIP stands. I battled PTSD & invisible scars for several years (even after returning to run in 2014). To this day, a few times a week I wake up & just want to keep the shutters closed & stay in bed. But that's never been the person I am…someone who others say inspires them & is full of energy…and I fight through it. I never give up, & I feel like my purpose is to help women get through difficult situations in their life (and push past circumstance). What a blessing.

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