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Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Woman bites into a medal and smiles proudly

Meet Mary from our 261 Fearless Boston Marathon Team

"My passion for running continued to grow and so did my ability to cope with the trials and tribulations of life." Read how team member Mary Spivey found strength and empowerment through running.

Why do you want to run for 261 in Boston?

Running Boston is the Holy Grail for most runners who love racing. While researching possible teams to join, I discovered 261 Fearless. I was incredibly moved by the mission and inspired by Switzer’s experiences, which resonated deeply for me. I made careless decisions as a teen and was pregnant by 16. As a young mom I was told by many that I would be nothing, that my life was over. While it took a long time, I was able to persevere, pursue higher education, and am now working in a field I am passionate about and consider myself successful.

I was not a runner. When my son started Kindergarten I would walk him to school every day. I would walk a mile or two (never used a sports device at this point as that was a luxury item) after dropping him off. One day during my walk I decided to run a little. I thought I was going to DIE! It was so difficult, but I loved the way it made me feel. Each day after that, I would push a little longer until I was running miles!

My passion for running continued to grow and so did my ability to cope with the trials and tribulations of life. I love running to run and the mission of 261, the non-competitive running platform, mirrored my personal journey with running, which was running for the joy of running. It was only years later that I ran my first race. I remember that first race. I was incredibly nervous and anxious. I barely slept! BUT, when I got to my corral, standing with all the other runners, I recall thinking “these are my people!” I felt at home and comfortable. The experience was incredible and got me hooked on racing.

The running community is incredibly supportive and I believe that bringing more 261 groups to women across the globe will help women gain confidence and the courage to reach past their comfort levels! Running teaches us about ourselves. When you are running, you have no choice but to come face to face with yourself.

What makes you Fearless?

I don’t realize that I am Fearless. Running has taught me how to push past the point of comfortable and so I often don’t know I am doing something Fearless until it is done.

What are you most excited about when it comes to the Boston Marathon?

I am stoked to be able to participate in an event that has a rich history and get to share a small piece of the experience that Switzer experienced.

Share a fact about you!

I had to brainstorm with my husband about this one. I would say that I am incredibly patient with others and have the ability to make friends where ever I am despite being an introvert.

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