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"My Favorite Item" - Tips from our 261 Fearless Inc. Team

Our 261 Fearless Inc Team picked their favorite items they purchase online. We'd like to inspire you with our reading tips, motivate you to stay active with virtual workouts and make you life easier with practical items for your home.

Deb’s List of 5 Favorite Things

Dry Brush Set

This is awesome!  You brush your skin – just like you do your hair.  It makes you feel invigorated and your skin feels smooth – perfect for brushing away the winter skin and getting a spring glow.

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Sports Hoop

My favorite Hula Hoop!  I love to hula hoop – it’s relaxing and great way to cool down after a workout.  Makes me feel like a kid again!

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I’m a jigsaw puzzle lover!  I like to get puzzles of places I’ve been, and then I glue them together to keep them as a memory.  My kids like to tease me about my puzzles, but I catch them sometimes doing a few pieces when they think I’m not looking.  Ravensburger puzzles are my favorite.  I have my eye on a 5000 piece Sistine Chapel puzzle, but I’m not sure I have a table big enough!

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Sheila Fleet Jewelry

I love the jewelry made by Sheila Fleet, inspired by the Orkney Islands of Scotland.  My family on my father’s side is from Orkney, and I’m fascinated by the landscape and rich heritage of the islands.  I’ve been to Scotland many times, but never to Orkney.  When I do go there, I’ll be sure to stop in at Sheila Fleet’s Studio!

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Hiking stick Medallion


I’ve been fortunate to visit many of America’s incredible National Parks.  Whenever I visit, I always buy a Medallion for my hiking stick.  It’s a great way to track the parks I’ve visited, and a perfect small, inexpensive souvenir that is holds happy hiking memories.  I’m up to 19 medallions with more to come.

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