Julia is the newest 261 Fearless Inc Team member and she's in charge of the 261 Empowerment Classes - our ongoing education program for 261 Coaches - as well as part of our social media team. She lives in Vienna and is studying psychology and sports, one of her passions being swimming. Today, she'll share her favorite items with us:
1. My favorite childhood movies on Amazon Prime: "The princess diaries".
My favorite childhood movies always bring me in a good mood and I always love to watch them again and again. On Amazon I either have them included in Prime or can borrow them for a cheap price. Go to the movie.
2. YouTube Workouts with Pamela Reif.
She has a variety of workouts for free on her YouTube Channel & will make you sweat and sore in less than 15 minutes. The feeling you have after completing a workout is just amazing. Go to the workouts.
3. My favorite book series from Anna Todd called "After".
These book series is full of up and downs, unexpected turns and happy endings. You can really feel the emotions of the characters and flee into another world for some hours. Go to the book.
4. Grocery Shopping at our local farmers.
I just love fresh fruits and vegetables and getting them right at the source. A lot of local farmers enable a pick-up service where you can order and pick up your favorite healthy food. Just check out in your area and enjoy.
5. Solving Sudokus.
Concentrating on a Sudoku riddle makes me forget everything around me. It let me forget all my todo´s, sorrows and stuff going on for a moment and the feeling of solving one correct makes you feel like a winner. Get a Sudoku.