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Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Four women jogging together in a schoolyard

New 261 Fearless Clubs Around the World

261 Fearless is growing! Our network is expanding and reaching women all over the world. We are proud that we can empower women around the globe thanks to our 261 Fearless community. Find out more about our new 261 Clubs and the fearless ladies leading them!

Sylvie and Prudence in Goma, DRC

Our two fearless women Sylvie and Prudence started a 261 Fearless Club in Goma in the war-shaken country Democratic Republic of Congo. They meet every Sunday at 6 p.m. in the yard of the school EPHARTA and do the exercises that make each 261 meet run so special. Sylvie and Prudence are two extraordinary women who want to share the life-changing experience they gained from running with other women.


Tasneem in Mumbai, India

In Mumbai, the thriving city in the eastern part of India, Tasneem will start her 261 Fearless Club. As from 11th of November onwards she will guide a group of fearless women every Sunday at 7.30 a.m. in Mazagaon, Mumbai. Tasneem wants to empower women in her community through the incredible power of running.


Juliet in Lancaster, UK

Lancaster is another step in expanding the 261 Fearless Club network in the UK. It’s is the 6th 261 Club in the UK - congratulations! In Lancaster, Juliet welcomes you every Friday at 9.30 a.m. in Ryelands Park. She will guide you and other fearless women through a varied running program full of fun games and exercises!


Claudia in Texas, USA

The 261 Fearless network is expanding not only in the UK, but also in the US. Claudia is starting her meet run in San Antonio, Texas. Every Wednesday at 9 a.m. she meets with her group of runners at Phil Hardberger Park for a unique 261 running session. Claudia wants to share her experience with 261 Fearless with other women. It raised her self-awareness and inspired her to become fearless, therefore Claudia wants to help other women to become empowered too.


Ann in New York, USA

Ann started a new 261 Fearless Club in the Finger Lakes area, in the state of New York, USA on 17th of October. She meets every Wednesday at 6.15 p.m. in Canadaigua. Ann wants to share the benefits running has given her with other women. For her it’s the freedom, the independence, the health and strength she gained from running that made a difference in her life - and she wants to incite that in other women!


Cindy in Connecticut, USA

Cindy is starting her new 261 Fearless woman running club in Wetherfields/ Connecticut, USA. Every Sunday at 9.30 a.m. she meets her group of fearless runners at the high school in Wethersfield in 411 Wolcott Hill Road. This is another step towards empowering women around the world and we are proud that our network of 261 Fearless Clubs becomes every time more dense!


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