261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

October, the month of supporters

At 261 Fearless we don’t just want to celebrate all the women who support us – we know there are so many of you and of course we are very grateful for each and every one of you!

In this blog post we'd like to highlight a group of supporters that we don’t talk about very often, even though without them, 261 Fearless wouldn’t be what it is today! That is why we would like to highlight some of the men behind the organization: they deserve a lot of credit for everything they do!

We asked three male supporters what their motives are and here’s what they said:

“Women can do everything like we men do. It is high time that we leave old stereotypes behind, but work together to make our world more just. I support women because I have also received a lot of support from them.”
Horst Von Bohlen, Board Member and Director of the Education Team

"I want my wife and my daughter to have every opportunity to control their own destiny."
Ryan Chaffee, Husband of 261 Fearless Administration Manager Kim Chaffee

“Based on (a) my experiences with the people in my own life, (b) what I have observed in my more than half century on this Earth, and (c) the events and issues of today, I draw the following conclusion:   this world needs more women in leadership positions.  Becoming and being a leader requires belief in oneself, which inevitably results in the fearless pursuit of limitless opportunities.  This is the core of 261 Fearless: teaching women that they can do (what they believed to be) the impossible!”
Barry Lites, Secretary of the Board 7 Legal Counsel

They’re of course only a small part of the large group of men who support us on a daily basis and we would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of them!

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