261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

A group of people running on a path through a lush green park

Our Coaches Share Some Unexpected Benefits of Joining 261 Fearless®

Becoming a 261 Coach is not just about learning how to lead a running club. Our coaches have found that they have gained so much more. Here, in their own words, they tell us what impact becoming a 261 Fearless® Coach has had on their lives.

Nicky B – Lune Valley, Lancashire, England 

“I really didn't think that I would be able to be a coach - not because of being unconfident, but because I didn't think that I had enough knowledge.  This totally changed when I joined the 261 Train the Trainer weekend and learned all about the philosophy of 261 and what I had been nervous about was totally unfounded.  By the end of the weekend I left feeling well equipped and ready to coach.  I was joining an existing a 261 club, as a new Coach, and I can't say that I wasn't nervous. My first couple of times I co-coached and moving on to coaching a session on my own was an important part of my journey. You always feel self-conscious, "standing at the front", but after each session I was growing in confidence and I now feel totally at ease in my role.  It’s really nice to hear positive comments from the members each week.  Long may this journey continue.”

Melissa – Kansas City

“I've learned tons about how women interact with each other and the best way to handle difficult conversations.  Starting a club taught me that opening a small business isn't scary or impossible, it's just a lot of paperwork - completely manageable paperwork.

Juliet – Greenwich, London

“Personally the experience of becoming a coach has given me immense pride and confidence. I really enjoy telling people about the club and the movement and I feel as if I have become part of a very positive force. My running has improved and I have become more effective when planning sessions along with my fellow group leader. I feel motivated to take on bigger running challenges and having 261 on my CV also has given me confidence with new work challenges.”

Emily – Twin Cities

“Starting a 261 Fearless Club has been a tremendous learning opportunity for me. The process has opened doors, connected me with strong, smart and healthy women from all over the world and has offered the opportunity for me to stretch myself as I experience the ups and downs of starting something new. Like running, the experience thus far has been personally transformational for me. It has taken me to the edge of my comfort zone, made me jump (or get pushed) and then through the leap have found a parachute of empowerment and confidence carrying me through the ride.”

Christal – Bloomington Normal

"I've gained 'The Thing I Look Forward To Every Week'.  Our Meet Runs are seriously, consistently, the BEST part of my week.  Women show up Saturday morning groggy, needing coffee, maybe a little grumpy about the weather... and 55 minutes later, we are all smiling, laughing and feeling connected in a new way. And I get to help that happen."

If you think you might like to gain some of these benefits yourself and would like to become a coach and start a club in your area, then be fearless and go for it. Click on Train the Trainer on the Join 261 tab above to apply.

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