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Running in Cold Weather

The temperatures are dropping, the weather is changing and you'd rather just stay indoors where it’s cozy and warm - winter is here! Find out here how you can stay warm on your winter runs.

Our tips for running in cold weather:

  • Layers: Put on several layers of clothing so that you are well protected and can take off a layer if you get too warm while you’re on the move.
  • Less is more: it's better to wear less than too much! When you go out and take your first steps, you should still be slightly chilly. Only when you start moving will you notice that you are warm and comfortable.
  • Accessories: Wearing several layers is already a good basis for your winter runs, but you shouldn't forget about the right accessories. Windproof gloves protect your fingers and hands, a hat keeps your head and ears warm and you can pull a neck warmer over your mouth and nose when it's freezing cold.
  • Warm up: Warm up before you start running. This is particularly important in cool temperatures. Warming up prepares your muscles, joints, cardiovascular system and nerves for exercise. The 261 Coaches at our Meet Runs will guide you through a warm-up program so that you can run safely!
  • Pace: Keep it comfortable at temperatures below 0 degrees so as not to overstimulate your airways.
  • Keep warm: After running, make sure you keep warm. Putting on a warm jacket straight away helps. And don't wait too long to change out of your sweaty clothes to avoid the risk of catching a cold.
  • Motivation: Especially when it's cold and uncomfortable outside, we find it difficult to go out. Running in a group can help - because we motivate each other, and the focus is on having fun. Afterwards, you can sit down comfortably on the sofa and relax with a cup of tea!

There is one more important thing we would like to share with you: Studies show that running in cold weather PROMOTES YOUR HEALTH - instead of putting it at risk! It boosts your immune system and makes it more resilient.

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