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Training for an event? You need to gather your team.

Setting yourself a running challenge is a great idea but it's hard to do it on your own.By Juliet McGrattan

When you’re out there during a race, the only person that can get you to the end is YOU. It’s your feet that will have to keep taking those steps to get you to the finish line. You might therefore think that running is a solo sport but this is absolutely NOT the case. Running is a TEAM event. 

TIME – Fitting in training runs can be a challenge, especially when the miles crank up nearer your event. You need to run regularly to be well prepared and this means making time commitments. You may need to create time in your schedule and for this you need members in your team who can help you. It might be an understanding boss or work colleague who can allow you some flexibility in your working day to fit in a run at lunch or on the way to or from work. It might be grandparents who can watch the children on a Sunday afternoon while you do a long run. It might be your partner who takes on a few extra household chores to free up a bit of time for you. They all have a role to play in making this possible 

MOTIVATION – In reality you aren’t going to be ‘chomping-at-the-bit-excited’ about getting out for every run. Training can be a slog! You need team members around you to help you on those days when you’re tempted to put the kettle on and put your feet up. Book some of your runs with friends who you know will force you out the door. Perhaps have someone that you report to each week about how your training is going. 

SUPPORT – Helping you with your training doesn’t just mean running with you. If you’re fundraising alongside the running then this is more HARD WORK. Asking for support from family, friends and your community will ease the burden and I bet there are those willing to encourage and support you. It can be hard to ask for help but actually, when you do ask (in the right way of course!) people are amazingly ready to offer support. 

LOOKING AFTER YOU- There’s so many ways your team can help here. From just making a nourishing meal or running a hot bath for you when you’re aching. Simple things can mean so much. You might also need to extend your team to a massage therapist, a physio or a personal trainer. These are the people that can keep you on the road when things get tough. 

Have a think about who is around you. They’re probably helping you already, more than you realise. Perhaps they encouraged you to enter for a race in the first place. Realising that you aren’t on your own can make all the difference. Don’t forget to thank them and tell them how much it means to you

With a good team behind you anything is possible!

Tell us about your team. Who has ‘got your back’ in this?

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