261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

A large group of women in pink 261 Fearless shirts pose happily by the water

What is 261 Fearless?

261 Fearless is a growing presence in the world of women’s empowerment globally.

We use running as our vehicle to help women achieve their potential and live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives. We reach out to disempowered women of all ages and backgrounds and inspire, educate and support them. 


We create platforms and initiatives to inspire women to take their first running steps. Through our network of non-competitive, social running clubs, we can help even the most disempowered woman believe in herself. Our global campaigns and events are targeted at women of all running abilities and are designed to spark interest, encourage self-belief and bring women together to support one another. With a network of over 50 running groups, in 11 countries on five continents, our claim to being a global force is real. 


We believe that education is key to empowerment and 261 Fearless prides itself on providing high quality, evidence-based and expert-led education programs. We offer educational opportunities to women at multiple levels through our organisation. Our 261 Coaches and Master Coaches undergo specific training to enable them to pass their knowledge on to our members and our members in turn convey this to their family and friends. We use our social media to highlight important topics to the wider global audience such as equality in sport and women’s health. 


We believe that the right support network is crucial for every woman. From our potential members who need a helping hand to even turn up to their first club meetrun, through to our Master Coaches leading and directing our educational programmes, we recognize that everyone stepping outside of their comfort zone needs help to be fearless. We create, encourage and nurture supportive environments where women can feel comfortable to challenge themselves and become empowered. 

We have made huge progress over the last four years but there is still so much to be done. Join us on our journey.

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