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Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Women running in the snow as part of the 261 Fearless winter training programme

Why Running in Winter is THE BEST!

It’s dark when you get up, dark when you come home from work, and it’s freezing cold. It’s no wonder you can’t drag yourself out the door for a run!

Winter running certainly has its challenges but if you take the easy option and switch to an indoor workout or ditch it altogether, you are truly missing out on one of the most wonderful seasons for running.

Not convinced? Here’s six reasons why winter running rocks:

1. The Changing Seasons

Even your most frequently run route can look completely different in winter. As the leaves fall from the trees and hedgerows, not only do they give a satisfying crunch underfoot but new vistas open up to you. The light is different, the air is fresh and cold. Look for the small things; the frost on a spider’s web, the first snowdrop, the little bird looking for food. Take your time and open your eyes, you won’t be disappointed.

2. The Challenge

There’s no denying that winter running is harder than summer running but you have so much to gain. You need extra balance and co-ordination to cope with slippery paths. It’s a great opportunity to work on these and throw in some extra strength and co-ordination exercises to injury-proof your body. Rise to the challenge of running in the dark with a head torch.  It’s not as hard as you think and you’ll feel extra fearless afterwards.

3. Winter Kit

There’s no denying we all love a bit of kit. Here’s your chance to layer up with all those lovely long sleeved thermal layers, neck scarves, woolly hats and gloves. You’ll feel cosy as you run. That waterproof running jacket finally comes into its own and best of all, you finally have a pocket for your phone and keys so you don’t even need a running belt. If you needed an excuse for new trainers, then winter is definitely it. You can absolutely justify a new pair of all-weather trail shoes to cope with the off road terrain. 

4. Running With Friends

Winter is the perfect time to run with friends. When routes are a little more demanding and motivation can be low, arranging to run with a friend will keep you safe and on track. The conditions aren’t always going to be ideal for speed, so long chatty runs are a great fit and the miles will just fly by.

5. Satisfaction

Let’s be honest. You feel pretty smug when you get in from a run don’t you? Well, when it’s pouring with rain, snowing or dark you can multiply this satisfaction by at least ten! Knowing that you went out when others didn’t will make that post run high even better. You get to warm up with a shower and a hot chocolate and your cheeks will be glowing with health for hours.

6. Spring Fitness

Best of all, if you keep running through winter, you will arrive in spring feeling fantastic. Forget that blobby, post winter hibernation feeling. Replace it with energy and vigour, strength and poise. A perfect base for your spring running success. So what are you waiting for? 

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