261 Fearless


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261 Fearless Logo - Anniversery

Run with Kathrine & the 261 Fearless Team

Join the celebration in Boston and run with bib 261 - wherever you are on April 17!

Dear 261 Friends!

We are about to be part of a unique and once in a life time celebration: The 50th anniversary of Kathrine running and finishing the Boston Marathon® - the incident that changed our lives and the lives of millions of women around the world. 

Join us for our celebration in Boston! NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE ON APRIL 17!

Kathrine and the 261 Fearless Boston Marathon® Team are running the streets of Boston on April 17th BUT even if you are not able to travel to Boston, YOU can be part of this historic and empowering race wherever you are in the world! 

261 Fearless will be giving you access to your very own bib number to wear on Boston Marathon® Day! Click HERE and you get to your own bib 261. Pin it proudly to your chest and run any distance in support of 261 Fearless on Marathon Monday. 

All we ask is that you take a picture of yourself and post it on your social media, using the hashtags:

 #261fearless, #261fearlessambassador, #Run261 #RunwithKathrine #261FearlessRunner and #BeFearlessBeFree. 

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