261 Fearless


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Secret3K x 261 Fearless

There are places where women can't run. We're running for them.

You put on your running shoes and go outside to run – for many of us, this is a normal, everyday activity. But there are many places in the world where women cannot run. We run for them at the virtual Secret3K walk/run, celebrating the right to freely run.

Join us for the virtual Secret3K run/walk and support the right of all people to walk or run free of fear in their community. A portion of your donation at registration will directly support 261 Fearless, to develop our programs and provide women the opportunity to become fearless through running. We are a proud partner of the Secret3K providing women a safe space to run!

Virtual Secret3K run/walk on March 6, 2024 (in the week of International Women’s Day)

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