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Empowerment Talks 261 Fearless

The 261 Fearless Empowerment Talks: November 7 with Flavia Bittencourt and Esther Paranha

Join the 261 Fearless education and empowerment program for everyone - the 261 Fearless Empowerment Talks. Be inspired and watch our next talk with Flavia Bittencourt, General Manager of adidas in Brazil and Esther Paranha, a passionate runner and engineer student.

Knowledge and information are the keys to being empowered and taking control over one's life. 261 Fearless wants to provide these important tools to all women worldwide via the 261 Fearless Empowerment Talks in cooperation with our partner adidas.

Internationally renowned experts speak during these sessions about their fields of expertise and offer new insights, knowledge and information to all women. This knowledge can help to broaden your horizon and inspire new ideas and projects. 261 Fearless gets the ball rolling with its continuous support for women to be empowered and self-determined.

261 Fearless will stream the Empowerment Talks on our YouTube channel. Our guests and upcoming dates will be announced on social media and here, on our website.

We are proud to announce Esther Bittencourt and Esther Paranha as our guests at the next 261 Fearless Empowerment Talk.

Flavia Bittencourt is the General Manager of adidas Brazil. Prior to that, she held various leadership roles in multi-million dollar businesses in Brazil in the technology, food and beauty sector. Additionally, she is a mother of 4 young children.

Esther Paranha is a passionate runner and engineering student. She is on her way to become one of the first ten women of colour to graduate in Engineering. To feel safer while running in the city, she joined a group of friends. This became a diverse and colourful women’s running group called Elas que voam.

Two strong and fearless women who live their dreams and sow the seeds for a new generation of self-empowered women in Brazil.

Listen and watch the talk on 261 Fearless YouTube on Thursday, November 7.

We will stream every other month a 261 Fearless Talk. Be inspired and feel the power of the 261 Fearless Empowerment Talks!

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