261 Fearless


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Group photo of numerous women of the 261 Fearless running group posing on a wooden bridge over a stream, surrounded by dense greenery, in a variety of running outfits

The results are in!

We're sharing our member survey results

Earlier this year we sent out a survey to the members of all our 261 Clubs in the UK. We wanted to know how they felt about their clubs and their fitness and what they liked best about being a 261 Club member.  

Around 50 per cent of our members completed the survey which we think is pretty good!

Here are the headline results:

  • 86% of our members are between age 41 and 70 (are they the ones more likely to complete a survey?!)
  • One third of our members have been a member for three years or more
  • 61% of our members heard about the 261 Club from a friend
  • The top four reasons to join were:
    • To get better at running
    • To join a new community and make friends
    • To become healthier
    • Because it was a women-only group
  • 60% of our members rated their fitness as very good or good
  • 78% of our members said their health was very good or good
  • 64% of our members said their energy levels were very good or good
  • 87% of our members said their mood was very good or good on most days of an average week (they're a happy bunch!)
  • 53% of members said they felt very confident or confident about running
  • 49% of members are doing 150 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity each week. This means they are hitting the Chief Medical Officers' guidelines. And 79% are doing more than 60 minutes.

And what do our members like best about their 261 Club? Here are the top 5 reasons they gave:

  1. The group support and encouragment
  2. The way we structure our Meet Runs
  3. The motivation they get
  4. The community
  5. The running and exercise tips

We gave them some space for open comments to and here are a few of the replies:

"What an amazing community of women that has been created by this group - never mind the running! I feel very supported and included. The things you dream up as crazy warm up exercises keep us in stitches - some of the best laughs I have all week. I have noticed that my balance has vastly improved since joining the group. The coaches are all great and I like the variety of different coaches leading sessions."

"Thanks for welcoming me as an obese non-runner with a fear of school cross-country - I am certainly a challenge!"

"The coaches/trainers are all well-prepared and knowledgeable, and there is a variety of activities each week, which makes it fun. I think that it's great that there is always a coach/trainer at the back, as I'm not very fast. It's great that the emphasis is not on being the 'fastest' : we can just be. I really appreciate the words of encouragement, and when I go running on my own, I often imagine the group members spurring me on. I'm learning lots of techniques/tips which are really beneficial."

"Joining 261 has been one of the best experiences for me. I am proud to be a part of this great group of inspiring women."

Thank you to all our members who took the time to tell us how they feel and to all our fabulous volunteer coaches for giving their time to empower women in their community. It's fantastic to see the impact our community is having. 

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