261 Blog

Dive into the world of 261 Fearless

Infographic shows how donations are used at 261 Fearless

How a donation to 261 Fearless can make a difference

261 Fearless is a global women’s running network with the goal of reaching more women all around the world in order to break down the barriers, connect and empower them through running.

Every runner knows how empowering putting on a pair of trainers can be, and how the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other can have a positive impact in all areas of our lives. Running in a supportive, non-judgmental environment gives every woman the opportunity to experience the joys of running. This is why we want to extend our 261 club network: to provide the support community and the encouragement that women need, especially for those with the greatest barriers, enabling them to discover strength and fearlessness by belonging to a 261 club.

Quite simply, the more clubs we have, the more women we can reach. 

We don’t want finance to be a barrier that stops women from being part of 261 Fearless and bringing 261 clubs to their community. Women of low income and in less developed areas of the world have an extra obstacle to overcome and this is one we want to help with. We place a large emphasis on fundraising in our activities to educate women to become 261 Club Directors and/or 261 Coaches and support them everywhere on this planet.

Here are the main ways our fundraising income is spent:

Master Coach Training

Our Master Coaches undertake a yearlong educational program that equips them to seek out women who are suitable to start a 261 club, lead training courses for new 261 coaches and educate and support Club Directors to establish clubs in their communities.

Club Directors and Coaches Education

Facilitated by our Master Coaches, women complete a three-day certification course to learn the tools to start and lead their own 261 clubs. They can then take their knowledge and skills right to the heart of their own communities and bring the joy of running to many women. 261 Fearless provides an ongoing support an ongoing education to certified Club Directors and Coaches to help them develop and grow.

Club Support

When our newly trained Club Directors want to establish their club there are often administrative and legal fees to pay (the amount varies between regions). This can be a barrier preventing women from setting up clubs. There are also expenses incurred when marketing clubs including promotion materials and social media support.


Weekly, monthly or annual club fees can be a struggle for women on low income and this should never be a barrier to participation. We want to reach women from all backgrounds and socio-economic groups.

Women have enough barriers and obstacles to face when trying to get and stay active. We don’t want finance to be one of them. We are so grateful to our fundraisers who enable us to continue working to provide opportunities for local women and communities throughout the world. 

You want to make a difference with your donation? Please click HERE

We would like to thank all of our donors SO MUCH! You help us to make a difference for women - GLOBALLY!

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