261 Fearless helps women to become empowered and one of the tools we use for this purpose is womens' education. Part of our education program is the Train the Trainer women's running certification course which is the first step in the journey of a 261 Coach. After weekend-long training the certified 261 Coaches return to their homes and spread the joy of running in their own communities. We support them with ongoing education and provide mentoring for their task.
Over the last two weekends we educated twenty-eight new 261 Coaches in Berlin, Germany, Washington D.C., USA and Tirana in Albania. Women in distinct regions with very different backgrounds and life situations share one passion and that is running! They realized that putting one step in front of the other and leading an active lifestyle can have an impact in many areas of their life and want to share this experience with others.
In Washington D.C. we educated Krysta, Jillian, Brittany, Debora, Sarah, Erin and Subrina, seven new 261 Coaches who will support our existing 261 Club DC Metro. The four new 261 Coaches Theresa, Debra, Sarah and Kathleen will become part of the existing 261 Club Greater New York. Monique and Loriana will set up a totally new 261 Club in their home country of Costa Rica, soon women in San José will run with 261 Fearless. The ladies are excited to start their new journey and help women become empowered through running, for example Monique says, "I look forward to helping women through 261 feel fearless on the road!"
In Berlin we educated five new 261 Coaches who will spread the spirit of non-competitive running in the 261 Club Germany. The five ladies Sigrid, Caro, Janina, Gabi and Lucile return home full of new ideas, inspiration and motivation as well as new friendships and wonderful experiences. With the network the new 261 Coaches built over the weekend, they are ready to start their tasks as 261 Coaches with existing meet runs or to set up a new group on their own. Sigrid says, "The training was very inspiring. I received the tools I need for my new role as 261 Coach and know that I can count on my colleagues' support."
In Tirana we educated three new 261 Coaches and five assisting 261 Coaches at our weekend-long Train the Trainer Certification Course that took place despite the earthquakes in Albania. The 261 Coaches will support the existing meet runs in Tirana and establish a new one in the city of Rrëshen under the umbrella of the 261 Club Albania. The assisting 261 Coaches will have continuous training on the job at the meet runs and grow into their new task with ongoing education and support by the 261 Coaches and 261 Fearless. This provides the five women with the opportunity to grow and develop the skills needed to lead 261 meet runs step by step. We look forward to seeing them spread the spirit of social running and empowerment in Albania, a country where it is not very common yet for women to run. Congratulations to all the fearless ladies!
Do you want to step up and give back to the community? Do you want to inspire women and spread the joy of social running in a non-competitive environment? Apply now to become a 261 Coach with an existing 261 Club in your area or to start your own group as a 261 Group Leader or a 261 Club Director. We offer Train the Trainer Certification Courses on an ongoing basis and will provide you the training you need to lead a 261 meet run. Apply here.